Friday, August 26, 2011

Hair Loss – Women and Vitamin Deficiency

Women should be careful regarding their nutrition. Vitamins are very important in caring for human body. A balance diet with a proper vitamin intake helps the body in a healthy state. Vitamin deficiency may affect the functions of the body which result in some sort of diseases. Hair loss is one of the diseases whose root cause is vitamin deficiency. Hair loss, women and vitamin deficiency is a bad connection.

Different types of vitamins are very important for us. Vitamin A is stored in liver. It is found in apricot, cabbage, peach, carrot, egg, milk, cheese, flesh and even fish liver oil. But if it is consumed excessively, it gets stored in different parts of the body which may result in symptoms such as Nausea, lethargy, headache and hair loss. Shortage of vitamin A can cause dry skin and coarse hair.

Vitamin E is found helpful in preventing the hair loss. It is also important in stalling the process of hair going gray. It is found in abundance in green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, dried beans and spinach. Your blood pressure may rise while taking vitamin E. So individuals, having hypertension, should consult their doctor before taking vitamin E.

Another essential vitamin is vitamin H which is also called Biotin. Like vitamin E, it is also helpful in preventing hair loss as well as graying of hair. Biotin is found in food sources such as liver, kidney, egg yolk, yeast and milk. It is also beneficial for nail and skin health.

Vitamin B3, B5 and B12 are also related to hair loss. Sources of vitamin B3 are wheat, fish, meat and other foods. Vitamin B5 is found in egg yolk, meat and yeast.

Folic acid is a very essential element for women. Fresh fruits and vegetables particularly citrus fruits and tomatoes are good sources of folic acid. Eating whole and fortified grain products and beans are also good sources of folic acid.

If you want to keep your hair healthy, you should try to consume some proteins as well. Mostly, people used to avoid proteins. Proteins can be found in fish, chicken, soy, eggs and meat. At least one serving per day should be taken.

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