Friday, August 26, 2011

Homemade Masks For Acne.

A lot of people are now searching for natural and home remedies for acne, as an alternative of medical treatments. This is logical, in view of the fact that it is together suitable and inexpensive to do acne treatment at home. There are ton of things one could do to treat acne at home, such as remedies, masks, eating habits and much more. Below are some amazing homemade cures for acne, which you must give a try as they really works for everyone.

Let us start with homemade masks:

Tomato mask: tomato is one of the finest homemade masks for acne, all you need to is take a tomato and Mash it. When you completely mashed it apply on your whole face if you want else you can just apply on acne. Leave it for an hour and then wash with lukewarm water.

Pomegranate Mask: this fruit is amazing with amazing features and qualities in it. Cook it for few minutes and then make the powder form of it. Now mix this powder with lime juice make sure it turns into the paste form, now apply on to your face and leave it for half an hour.

Mask Of Sesame seeds: Crush the sesame seed and make powder form and then mix it with lukewarm water, make a firm paste so as to it will stick on the skin, now apply it on face and leave for about 10 minutes then wash. It will not only helps to cure acne but also reduces the redness occur due to acne.

Make a mask of Salt and vinegar: salt and vinegar have the power to fight with bacteria which causes acne. So if you make a paste by mixing then together you will more likely get rid of acne. Just apply this mask for about half an hour and see the results.

Mask of Honey and cinnamon: take both Honey and cinnamon and mix them well. Mix it till it becomes into paste and then apply. Apply it at night and leave it for the whole night and wash it in morning you will see amazing skin of yours.

Apply all these easy and simple homemade masks for your acne and get stunning and gorgeous skin.

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