Everyone is familiar with nail fungus nowadays. It is an infection actually that takes place under your toe or finger nail. The reason is the tiny organisms that’s infects the toenails and finger nails. Although it is very simple to identify but the treatment is not that easy. And the treatment should be done immediately as if it is not cured without delay the fungus starts on to progress deeper under the nail and it causes them to get hard, discolor and to end with developing crumbling edges around the nail. The part under the nail become temperate, soggy and dim that can be painful as well, which show the symptoms of nail fungus. It is largely seen under toenails. Among professionals and students this disease is growing in a fast rate. The reason of this they people are use to wear covered shoes constantly in warm climate. This is why toenails are more affected comparatively the fingernails.
Causes of Nail Fungus:
* If you are using a pair of shoes regularly without washing or drying for long time, it can be the cause of toe nail fungus.
* If your nails are weak.
* if your nail breaks that may help you to enter fungus.
* If you are in habit of cutting nail close enough to your skin.
* if your feet is anytime wet and remain wetted for a long period may cause of increasing fungus
Tips to prevent Nail Fungus:
* keep your feet dry
* you should avoid non-porous, synthetic materials and rubber shoes
* Use absorbent socks
* Nail clippers should not be shared with anybody.
Before taking toenail fungus treatment, these above mentioned prevention should be followed. If you are sure that you are a patient of toenail fungus than there is several toenail fungus treatment available online. Toenail fungus treatment is used to prevent the infection in affected area.
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